
4 03, 2016

Why We are Digital Project Managers (DPMs)

By |March 4th, 2016|Blog|0 Comments

I was really blown away by Brett Harned's recent post and speech to the DPMUK group called Army of Awesome where he challenged DPMs to define what it means to be a Digital Project Manager.  IMHO, he nailed the qualities/DNA/skills of the DPM better than anything else I've ever seen. Still, I thought one thing that [...]

13 01, 2016

New Year’s Resolution for DPMs, 2016

By |January 13th, 2016|Blog|0 Comments

Happy New Year! Since it's already the second week of 2016, resolutions may seem like a distant memory. Still, I've been seeing posts come up including this great one from Atlassian (makers of Jira) about new year's resolutions for agile ceremonies. And it got me thinking of a few new years resolutions for Digital Project [...]